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If you would like to be kept informed about our forthcoming events in 2025, please sign up to receive our newsletter.

Whatever the Weather Wednesdays


10.30am – 3pm

Donations welcome


In the morning, our session uses Museum objects and other inspiration to aid discussion. Am Bàrd, the Museum cafe, will be offering a soup lunch on a pay-what-you-can donation basis. This is open to anyone in the community as well as those attending the Wednesday session.  


In the afternoon, we play bingo and other group games. All our activities are accessible and dementia friendly. If you need help with transport please get in touch.


With thanks to The Hugh Fraser Foundation, GAMS and the Highland Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund for their support, as well as the individual donors who help to keep these sessions going. 



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Cearcall Còmhraidh


2pm - 3pm


Join us for these engaging Gaelic language conversation sessions aimed at both fluent speakers and learners of all ages.  These sessions will be welcoming and supportive, using the inspiring environment of the Museum to get you using and developing your Gaelic language skills.


School pupils are especially welcome to join, as we aim to provide students with the opportunity to speak Gaelic outside the classroom We gratefully acknowledge the support of Bòrd na Gàidhlig in making these sessions possible. 


Winter Talk: The Archaeology 
of Salmon Fishing with 
Alastair Stenhouse

Friday 28th March, 7pm

Tickets:  £5 in person,
£4 view online



After retiring from the oil industry, Alastair Stenhouse studied archaeology at Aberdeen University. His research has focussed mainly on the archaeological remains and history of the salmon fishing industry in the north of Scotland.  His approach to research and findings will be the subject of this illustrated talk.


Ceilidh House Gathering 

31st March 

7pm - 9pm (doors open at 6.30pm)

£2 donation appreciated


Our Ceilidh House gatherings meet once a fortnight and are a welcoming group who enjoy making music, singing or the spoken word. Come and sit in front of the virtual fireside, sing a song, tell a tale, read a poem, play a tune, bring your knitting or just sit back and enjoy the atmosphere. We look forward to welcoming you! 


Creative Writing Group 
Tuesday 1st April
2.30pm at GALE 

Our Creative Writing Group is a friendly, relaxed session to help you get writing. We will maybe do some writing exercises and share our endeavours. The sharing of writing can be either what we have produced during the brief writing exercise or could be something that we have worked on at home. 


Drawing from the land 
Art Workshop with Blake Milteer

Friday 11th April, 2pm - 4pm

Saturday 12th April, 10am - 3pm

Tickets:  £60* â€‹


Join artist, Blake Milteer (currently exhibiting at Gairloch Museum) for this immersive workshop, looking closely at a local woodland and discovering how we might capture and represent it in art work. Whether you already dabble or are trying making art for the first time you are welcome to join us.

Day 1, Friday 11th April, 2pm - 4pm

We will meet at the Museum and start with a gallery tour, before heading out into a local woodland to explore and find our inspiration

Day 2, Saturday 12th April, 10am -3pm 

We will be in the Museum using our source material from day one to create an individual artwork.  Teas and coffees will be provided but please bring a packed lunch. 

Blake Milteer Photo.jpg

For more details about Blake and his artwork see here.


* We have a small bursary available for two places on this workshop. If you would find the workshop fee a barrier to attend, please contact us at  to ask about the assisted places.

Museum Book Group​


Tuesday 6th May
In person: 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Online: 7.30pm - 8.30pm 


£2 donation per person appreciated.


Our current Museum Book Group read is Young Art and Old Hector by Neil Gunn.. You can join our friendly group for tea, coffee, cake and lively discussion in person at the Museum or online via Zoom. If you'd like to take part please get in touch. 



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